Friday, February 27, 2009

Meniscus Tear in my knee

So the doctor called me today to give me the results from the MRI that I just had done. They told me that I have a torn Meniscus, totally not cool. They are reffering me to an orthopedic doctor to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment for it. If it is too bad and the pain does not start going away they are talking about doing surgery, I'm telling you this is crap! They also said that I am going to start developing arthritis in that knee rather quickly and that I have to try and not use it that much so that I can start letting it heal properly. Well I think that I might have started letting it heal right after I had the accident if the stupid doctors at MCO did their job and actually checked me out instead of telling me I had whiplash and giving me pills! So technically can I sue these people?????????????????? I would like to at this point because I am sure pissed off!

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