Sunday, February 1, 2009

Car Accident

So, I was driving home from school yesterday on Heatherdowns when I went to stop at a light and my breaks failed. I hit the person in front of me really hard, but he was not hurt and his car was barely damaged. I on the other hand got some serious whiplash and the airbag hurt my chest pretty bad, plus I have some lovely bruises on my knees from the dashboard. I was so completely terrified and did not have my witts about me, but the guy got me to calm down and pull in to the parking lot I was in front of so I could call someone to come get me. We took each other's information, I thanked him for being so kind as well as appologized for hitting him, and we went on our seperate ways. I thank God that my children were not in the car with me, and I keep saying, I must have had my guardian angel watching over me, because with as hard as I hit the man I should have been knoked completely  unconcious. Well, I am just glad I am ok and am tryin to be on my way to a fine recovery! God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good!

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