Monday, February 9, 2009

My Weekend

So this has been an interesting weekend, I had school.. which totally sucked, but I got to see my friends for a few hours which was really nice. I spoke my good friend, and her city is royally screwing them over and it pisses me off, so I will be praying for her. I also has had a suprisingly wonderful night, and hope that everything all turns out for the best, we shall see. I had to get my knee x-rayed though after schoon on Saturday... it turns out that it is sprained which totally scuks as well. They gave me crutches but I am protesting them.. haha! My mom got me a knee brace that works just fine, Im just not allowed to pick up my children, ya like that will ever happen! In that pic I am waiting to get my x-ray done and I felt like complete crap!

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