Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nice Weather

Well, things are starting to look up I spose. I was able to bring up my grade in Med Law, so now I am standing a chance on passing. They finally are letting me make up the tests that I missed, which is going to suck because thats 2 more on top of the like 5 I already have. But I am thankful for the opportunity! The weather is getting so nice, so I am able to take the kids outside and to the park to let them get off some of their energy instead of being cooped up in the house all of the time driving me nuts! Yesterday Aubrianna would not leave until I put her Tinkerbell dress on her, so she ended up going to the doctor's office and the park in it, this made things very interesting! Tonight I get to go see my best friend's daughter in her school play, I am excited, she is going to be adorable. I will have to write more later the kids are about to kill each other and my dad needs picked up from school, he is sick, so I will write more updates later!

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