Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Times

I am having the most wonderful few days that I could ask for. I finished school on saturday with all passing grades, so I can move on to the next quarter happily! I also had a job interview on thursday of last week, so I go in and take the typing, grammer, and spelling tests that they require, and have my personal interview. The lady told me that she was impressed with my typing speed, they had it on the hardest level and I was able to type 45wpm which I thought was not that much, but apparently on the test I took it was amazing. Of course I got a 100 percent on my spelling and grammer, because if you know me you know that I am psycho about that stuff. The lady had told me, "Im not gonna waste your time or mine dragging this out, your hired!" I was well qualified and she loved me, I start on tuesday... I am so excited to be going back to work! I am also in the process of buying a new car, and this will be my first major purchase, other than my laptop (which was not nearly as expensive). I am super stoked, I am also looking fo a place of my own once I get everything all situated and get a few months in at my job. My life is on the right track right now and I am so very thankful for that, now all I need to do is get my babysitting situation worked out, which I am in the process of doing, and I will be all good. I would like to thank all of my friends who have been there for me through all of my rough spots and got me through, now you can be here for my happy times, especially my protector I would like to give a special thanks too! 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Zenobia Shrine Circus 2009

The kids and I all went to the circus on Thursday March 19, 2009. They had a blast though Aubrianna was terrified of the elephants. They both took a camel ride, at different times of course, and each got to get something from the gift table. Aubrianna has a glowing necklace and Dylan got a pretty cool plastic sword that lights up and makes noises. The baby made an appearance out of his carseat for only a few minutes to be fed then he went to sleep. We all had such a good time and were thankful that Grandpa Brown came with us... the kids LOVE their Papa. After such a good time though it ended with the whole weekend of all 3 kids getting sick... and guess who tried not to catch it but did anywho?? Oh ya that would be me. So the baby has some drops for his eyes because he has a real bad infection, the other 2 just have their little colds and me too, for the first time in a long time I used Nyquil and still could not sleep. It was just ridiculous! The older 2 are getting so much better so I am grateful for that and I hope that these drops help the baby tremendously because he is in so much misery!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nice Weather

Well, things are starting to look up I spose. I was able to bring up my grade in Med Law, so now I am standing a chance on passing. They finally are letting me make up the tests that I missed, which is going to suck because thats 2 more on top of the like 5 I already have. But I am thankful for the opportunity! The weather is getting so nice, so I am able to take the kids outside and to the park to let them get off some of their energy instead of being cooped up in the house all of the time driving me nuts! Yesterday Aubrianna would not leave until I put her Tinkerbell dress on her, so she ended up going to the doctor's office and the park in it, this made things very interesting! Tonight I get to go see my best friend's daughter in her school play, I am excited, she is going to be adorable. I will have to write more later the kids are about to kill each other and my dad needs picked up from school, he is sick, so I will write more updates later!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Same life, different day

My life can only get more interesting as the days go by. I miss one day of school and I am completely screwed with my grade, yet my teacher tells me that I am going to be fine, ya right! At least tomorrow my Psychology class will be done and over with so I will not have that to worry about. But I am going to struggle with my other 2 classes, I just want this quarter to be over with, but with good grades. I need my time off, I need to go see my Angela like I promised! Some of my days seem to be going miserably, then I have the most wonderful days I could possibly ask for and all is right with the world. I am very sad that my best friend called me and told me that her Aunt was getting ready to pass, I have to keep her in my thoughts and her family as well. I am very thankful to have the best friends a girl could ask for and they seem to always be there when I need to talk or ask a favor, thank you guys, I LOVE YOU, and to Angela... I miss you to death... I will see you soon!