Friday, February 27, 2009

Meniscus Tear in my knee

So the doctor called me today to give me the results from the MRI that I just had done. They told me that I have a torn Meniscus, totally not cool. They are reffering me to an orthopedic doctor to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment for it. If it is too bad and the pain does not start going away they are talking about doing surgery, I'm telling you this is crap! They also said that I am going to start developing arthritis in that knee rather quickly and that I have to try and not use it that much so that I can start letting it heal properly. Well I think that I might have started letting it heal right after I had the accident if the stupid doctors at MCO did their job and actually checked me out instead of telling me I had whiplash and giving me pills! So technically can I sue these people?????????????????? I would like to at this point because I am sure pissed off!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Aubrianna's birthday

Today was Aubrianna's second birthday... we spent half of it nursing Dylan, whom is back in the hospital but should be out tomorrow. We decided to take her to Major Magics and she had an absolute blast. I love my little girl!
I got you mommy, that spider is MINE!
Kissy face
The thrill of the drive
He had no clue
Speed Racer, Go Go Speed Racer
I'm sexy, I know it!
Wreckless driver
I love this picture
She loved that clown
Mommy and JuJu
Completely focused on the breadstick
I think the cootie tasted good
Always had to have silverware

JuJu did not like this chair too much!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dylan in the hospital

Last night was a loooooooooong night with Dylan being up every half hour very much sick. I had Aaron over to watch the kids while I went to an appointment and Dylan just got worse by the minute. I was against going to the ER because he has a doctors appointment tomorrow so I was just trying to hold off. But it just got so very bad that I had Aaron take him to the ER, and he called me and let me know that Dylan is hooked up to an IV and is being given Zofran, which is a nausea medicine. So I hope that all goes well and he can return back home tonight as opposed to staying there, my baby just needs to get better!

Monday, February 16, 2009

School, laptops, kids, fun.....

Well, I had a good day and a bad day. I went to the doctors for the follow up on my car accident, turns out that he wants to get an MRI because he says that I have a torn ligament, he just wants to know if it is a partial or a full tear. He finally put me back on my migraine medicine so I can breath a sigh of relief, and he fixed my finger. Then I go to my OB/GYN to follow up from my surgery, and of course I am having complications, but the wonderful people there said "hey let's see what happens in the next 2 weeks!" Well I have already been having severe bleeding for 2 weeks, do you think that I want it for 2 more, but do they care no, and it is their fault because they are the one's that messed up in the surgery room. Whatever.....but I did have some good points to my day and I am verfy thankful for the good memories that I have, I just hope everything will be all good and that life will work itself out. Oh and did I tell you.................. I HAVE A LAPTOP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well now that I have that out of my system, I am so itching to get out of the house right now and just chill with friends, I have been working day and night to finish this stupid mid-term project for Psyvchology, it seems like the work never ends and that I am rushing to put everything together, I am just trying to graduate with straight A's is tht too much to ask?? HAHAHA! But the kids are pretty good, driving me nuts of course, they all have their well checks coming up this friday. Speaking of this friday, I expect everyone to say HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY AUBRIANNA!!!!!!! My baby is getting old, I cannot say big cause she is sooooooooooooooooo tiny. I bought her a tinkerbell princess costume with matching shoes that she is going to wear on her birthday, I am probably way more excited then she is, but that is my right as a mother!

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Weekend

So this has been an interesting weekend, I had school.. which totally sucked, but I got to see my friends for a few hours which was really nice. I spoke my good friend, and her city is royally screwing them over and it pisses me off, so I will be praying for her. I also has had a suprisingly wonderful night, and hope that everything all turns out for the best, we shall see. I had to get my knee x-rayed though after schoon on Saturday... it turns out that it is sprained which totally scuks as well. They gave me crutches but I am protesting them.. haha! My mom got me a knee brace that works just fine, Im just not allowed to pick up my children, ya like that will ever happen! In that pic I am waiting to get my x-ray done and I felt like complete crap!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Car Accident

So, I was driving home from school yesterday on Heatherdowns when I went to stop at a light and my breaks failed. I hit the person in front of me really hard, but he was not hurt and his car was barely damaged. I on the other hand got some serious whiplash and the airbag hurt my chest pretty bad, plus I have some lovely bruises on my knees from the dashboard. I was so completely terrified and did not have my witts about me, but the guy got me to calm down and pull in to the parking lot I was in front of so I could call someone to come get me. We took each other's information, I thanked him for being so kind as well as appologized for hitting him, and we went on our seperate ways. I thank God that my children were not in the car with me, and I keep saying, I must have had my guardian angel watching over me, because with as hard as I hit the man I should have been knoked completely  unconcious. Well, I am just glad I am ok and am tryin to be on my way to a fine recovery! God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good!