Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ok, so last night I thought that it was quite odd when I recieved a call from my doctors office at work. So I tried calling them back and they seemed to have closed the phone lines early so the operator told me that I would just have to call back in the morning. I then recieved a call to my cell phone not even 5 minutes later and it was my doctors office, so I excused myself to answer it. Apparently someone had cancelled their surgery and my doctor wanted to know if I wanted to take their place because I am not up for surgery for like another month. Of couse I said yes, and now I have to figure everything out quicker, who is taking me, who is watching the kids, and how much time am I taking off of work! So I have some of it figured out, and my surgery is scheduled for next tuesday at 10:30 AM. I am having a uterine ablasion done, I need it and thank goodness I am getting it! So if you feel like checking up on me after the fact message me or give me a call, it would make my day!

1 comment:

  1. hey hun you will be in my prayers and i'll be sure to message you or check here to see how things are going! :)

