Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So yesterday morning I had my surgery, and believe me it was absolutely no fun at all. I am in so much pain, but I am dealing with it, I thought I was going to die on the way home, and when I got there I just crashed. I slept most of the day of course and feel bad because I did not get to spend any time with my children, Aubrianna just wanted to play with me when I got home and I couldn't even do that, so horrible. I remember that when I finally did come downstairs to eat, I was just really upset that Dylan was being so hyper and loud and I just wanted peace and quiet, but that was not his concern, he just wanted to play with his sister. So now as I sit here and ponder on my actions of yesterday, I need to appologize to my children and my family for being the person I should not have been, whether it been a reaction from the anastesia, or from pure pain, I should not have acted that way and I appologize. I am going to spend the day making up for my actions and doing the activities, with my children, that my body will permit me to do. So I will keep trooping on and love my children that much more for loving me even when I am cranky!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything went well!!! I'm sure your family understands! that's what family does! :)... crazy i know!
