Friday, January 30, 2009

Interesting Week

This week has deifiniately been interesting to say the least. I got to hang out with some people that I just want to be around more, and going to Chuckie Cheese on Wednsday with my best friend was a complete blast. I have had offers that I never thought I would hear, and words I thought would never leave people's mouths, it is facinating. After a good beginning of the week it is starting to be kind of crazy, I almost got in to a huge car wreck the other night, the baby and Aubrianna are sick, and Dylan's therapy appointment seemed like it lasted forever. But everyone is calming down and I get to stress out over studying for my test, wish me luck!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting my computer fixed!

I am so completely happy, my laptop is getting fixed. I broke it a month after I got it and I was completely sad, but it is all good now! I will finally be able to do my homework in the living room while taking care of the kids, it will be a lot more convenient, plus Dylan likes to play games on it. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So yesterday morning I had my surgery, and believe me it was absolutely no fun at all. I am in so much pain, but I am dealing with it, I thought I was going to die on the way home, and when I got there I just crashed. I slept most of the day of course and feel bad because I did not get to spend any time with my children, Aubrianna just wanted to play with me when I got home and I couldn't even do that, so horrible. I remember that when I finally did come downstairs to eat, I was just really upset that Dylan was being so hyper and loud and I just wanted peace and quiet, but that was not his concern, he just wanted to play with his sister. So now as I sit here and ponder on my actions of yesterday, I need to appologize to my children and my family for being the person I should not have been, whether it been a reaction from the anastesia, or from pure pain, I should not have acted that way and I appologize. I am going to spend the day making up for my actions and doing the activities, with my children, that my body will permit me to do. So I will keep trooping on and love my children that much more for loving me even when I am cranky!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

School has begun!

Yesterday was my first day back to school, my classes are not as bad as I thought they would be. I am taking online psychology, medical terminology, and medical law, I have actually made a friend in my medical terminology clss, I am so proud! So I am extremely busy  right now with the whole school thing, and looking for another job, plus my 3 lovely children who are the nosiest little people I know. Aubrianna's birthday is in a month and she will be turning 2, I am so excited, I plan on dressing her up as a princess, probably Belle because she has the brown curly hair and big eyes! It will be so very much fun, right now though she is using those beautiful big blue eyes to try and get some candy from me, good luck babydoll!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ok, so last night I thought that it was quite odd when I recieved a call from my doctors office at work. So I tried calling them back and they seemed to have closed the phone lines early so the operator told me that I would just have to call back in the morning. I then recieved a call to my cell phone not even 5 minutes later and it was my doctors office, so I excused myself to answer it. Apparently someone had cancelled their surgery and my doctor wanted to know if I wanted to take their place because I am not up for surgery for like another month. Of couse I said yes, and now I have to figure everything out quicker, who is taking me, who is watching the kids, and how much time am I taking off of work! So I have some of it figured out, and my surgery is scheduled for next tuesday at 10:30 AM. I am having a uterine ablasion done, I need it and thank goodness I am getting it! So if you feel like checking up on me after the fact message me or give me a call, it would make my day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A new start to a new year

I start back to school this week, I am very glad to be back with all the drama that I have had on my break. The kids are definately making my life very interesting, Aubrianna is very demanding anymore! We've just discovered that the baby has asthma so we have to be careful with that, he's just way too young for that crap! Dylan got some badges for his Wednsday night church class, I am so very proud of him, he is getting so very big. We are hoping for better blessings in this new year!