Monday, November 30, 2009


So a lot has happened since I last wrote, I've been a bit busy since then. I am engaged to a wonderful man who loves me and the kids and in turn I got a handome step-son named Hunter. We are still dealing with certain issues, but we will get it taken care of and get on with life. We just returned back in to town from James' family Thanksgiving. It was so nice to be able to see so many different family members and how loving and hospitable everyone was. I did not want to come back home up north, I can't wait until we get to stay longer! Dylan is growing so tall, he is 6 now and in Kindergarden and after he took his proficiency tests we found out he is the top of his class and scored twice as high as he needed to, which is completely awesome! Aubrianna is our little princess, but such the tom boy and mommy's little baby girl! Hunter is doing pretty well adjusting the the family and loving it. Charlie is just so happy all the time, it is nice to see him smile, it brings everyone's mood up and we love him. James and I will be back in school starting in January, I am so excited!!

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