Saturday, May 23, 2009

Updates on life

Wow, I am so sorry it has been so long since I have been on here. I have had a lot of things going on lately. I no longer live at home with my parents, in fact I am staying with my friends Christina and Pika (Aaron), and my boyfriend James, and a girl named Chrissy. There has been a lot of tension around the house lately because of promises being broken and people not living up to the things that they say they are going to do. Plus it is added extra stress because James used to date Chrissy and they have a kid together and she does not like the fact that him and I are together. Well, James and I had a son together almost 6 years ago as well, we just happened to keep our feelings for each other over the years and ended up talking about it and got back together. I have not been this happy in a very long time, in ways I wish that we never had seperated in the first place, but i would never take back Aubrianna and Charlie and he would never give up Hunter. So James and I are looking for a new car and a place to live that is affordable, if that is even possible with this economy. I am still going to Stautzenberger and this quarter ends on the 24th of June. James enrolled to school at Herzing College and is starting this summer. I forgot what he said that his major was going to be though. I am having surgery on the 26th of June for my knee, which I am completely happy for because it just keeps getting worse and worse. My pancreas only keeps getting worse, in fact it is starting to shut down and I need to consent for a transplant but I am scared as hell. I don't want to die and especially not leave my kids, and James says he can't lose me again, so I don't know. But the kids just got up from nap, so I am going to go get them up, changed and give them a snack.

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