Friday, December 18, 2009


Oh man, how the holidays come on so fast!! It seems like it was just Thanksgiving, and now it is a week until Christmas.. ahhhhh! On the plus side I have court on the 29th, and I am anxious to get that over with and James has his court date in January. We took the kids to Children's Wonderland last week, let me just say that it could have gone MUCH better, but we survived! We also found out that Hunter's biological mom decided that it would be a good idea to sign him up for Toys for Tots and get stuff for him when she doesn't even see him! It is just another one of her ways to get stuff out of the system, it is just unfair for him, and because of her little fraudulant acts he doesn't have insurance. Anywho, James and I have been looking at different dresses, and rings, and tuxes for our wedding, which we hope to have on September 13, 2010. I just have to wait to see how everything goes with my divorce from Aaron, he was good for dragging it out and now I have found a way to get help pushing it through! I am just waiting to hear from my lawyer and see when my court date it, oh I am so excited! Well so much to do, so little time.. so I will go for now!!!!!!!