Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Ok, so I know it has been forever since I have wrote anything but I have been seriously busy. I started my new job on the 30th of last month, then started school on the 13th of this month. Everything has been a whirlwind ever since then. Anymore I have no time to think to myself, but that is ok, because the less time I have to sit down and think, the less confused and ready to giveup I am. The kids have a fabulous time over at the babysitter's house, they all have their matches. Dylan little girlfriend is Christianna, then Aubrianna is in love with Hunter, which is kinda bad because they are a little bit related. And the baby loves Chris because of her boobies!! HAHA! Yes I know my son is a pervert! Then there is Aareanna and Haylee that they love to play with as well, it is just good times. I have decided that I am over being mad at Dylan for breaking my computer considering the fact that tehre is nothing that I can do about it anymore and I just bought another one yesterday which is way better and I love it so much!